Home to school transport is an agreement between families and the North Northamptonshire county council transport department. As a school, we have no part in the administration of it nor do we have any control over what times the taxis/transport arrives or drops off.
When your child's transport is first put in place, you are given details of the taxi company, this is so you can make contact with them directly should you have any issues (most taxi/company numbers can be found online). The school are just the middle man as such and we often find ourselves unable to answer questions that you are likely to get answered from the taxi companies directly.
There are occasions where transport can run late because of accidents or traffic and obviously we have no control over this either. It would make better sense in these instances to ring the taxi company directly to get an update rather than ringing the school as we do not have the information you need.
We are, however, able to support with complaints and safeguarding issues regarding transport as these need to be directed at the relevant council departments.
Applications for transport can be made at https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/school-travel-assistance/free-school-travel-assistance-4-16-year-olds
Your child's transport will automatically roll over each academic year unless they are moving into a transition year in the coming September (year 7 or year 12) in which case you should re-apply by May (please check the north northants website for specific dates).