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  • Looked After Children (LAC)

    Hi, my name is Mick Bates, I am the appointed governor for looked-after children at Kingsley Special Academy and Red Kite Academy, having worked as a local authority foster carer for the last 21 years. Over the last two decades my work has included the short term, long term, and rest-bite foster care of children from birth to the age of 17, alongside the recruitment and training of new foster carers.

    I graduated with a BSc in Psychology in 2015 and went on to complete an MSc in Psychology in 2017. I had a particular interest in in trauma and child development.

    I have two children of my own, a stepson and my long-term foster daughter has attended both Kingsley and Red Kite Academies.

    My role as a LAC governor includes monitoring and reporting the number of looked-after children within both schools and their outcomes, liaise with the relevant designated LAC teacher, and keep the governing body informed of any issues affecting pupils in care. A vital element of my role is promoting the needs and wellbeing of all pupils in care across both Academies.  

    Contact Details: email

    Telephone: 07732 767318 anytime.