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  • Spirit of Corby Award

    Red Kite would like to thank the Corby and Red Kite Special Academy community for it's nomination of the Educational Spirit of Corby Award. 

    We were very fortunate to be nominated for the Educational Spirit Award in 2022. The Educational Spirit Award is for an individual or a group who have enriched their lives through a commitment to lifelong learning, who has returned to education, achieved excellence in their chosen field, or who inspires others with their enthusiasm and love for learning which could include teachers, TAs, or School Heads.

    Our nomination read ' In exceptional circumstances during Covid, the staff at Red Kite put their own and their families lives at risk to maintain the link between the children and the school. The risk in a special educational needs school like Red Kite are a lot higher due to some very complex health conditions and was above and beyond expectations.'

    Although we did not win the award, we are incredibly proud to have been nominated and for our staffs efforts to have been recignised  throughout the pandemic. We thank all staff for everything they did through this very challenging time and know that with the support of staff, families and our pupils we were able to support each other during a very unsafe and uncertain time.