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  • Local Offer Information

    Local Offer Information and Education Entitlement 

    Whilst Red Kite wishes to be able to offer a full range of qualifications, being a relatively small special education needs provider of education means we are not able to offer qualifications in all subjects at Key Stages 4 and 5. Dependent on your child/young persons abilities and interests that may mean that in Key Stages 4 and 5 you feel we are no longer able to meet your child/young persons needs. If this is the case, it is important during Key Stage 3 annual reviews that this is shared so that we can begin to support you and your child/young persons transition to a more appropriate provider. 

    There will be instances during the Year 10 (Key Stage 4) annual review where we will inform families that we will not be offering a Key Stage 5 place in The Lookout. This will be shared early in the academic year (autumn term) in order for this information to be shared and to then give families ten at least 18 months to seek a more suitable Key Stage 5 provider of education (see the list below). 

    For pupils moving on from Red Kite, every January, Red Kite will hold a transition event. The transition event is where we will invite all education and training providers (locally) to come and share information about the courses and support they offer, before giving families and careers the opportunities to walk around and ask questions/obtain applications/prospectuses. 

    If your young person is due to leave Red Kite in the next 2 – 4 years as a part of their Key Stage 4 or 5 transition then we hope that by providing you with some local offer information and links, you will be able to start your research/journey now in order to be well informed prior to any annual review/transition events. 

    Below are a number of further education and vocational providers that may be suitable in meeting your young person’s needs and interests 14+, post 16/post Red Kite. Some of these providers are providers of education, although some only offer care, day provision.

    ***Please note, we are not affiliated to any of the further education providers, nor have we been asked/sponsored to provide their information:

    The Bedford College Group – Tresham Corby/Wellingborough and Kettering Campus
    Sense College
    Moulton College
    Creating Tomorrow College
    Northamptonshire College
    Stamford College
    The Beehive – Northgate Vocational Sixth Form Provision
    The Qube Disability

    If you are considering an apprenticeship you can access the government portal below:

    Further information can be found at:- Apprenticeship service
    Telephone: 0800 015 0400