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  • Careers Programme

    Red Kite Special Academy Careers Guidance

    At Red Kite Special Academy, we provide a relevant, stable and engaging careers curriculum which meets the differing and diverse needs and requirements of all of our pupils.  This embedded and sometimes discrete curriculum area has been developed throughout a pupil's time at school and is always supportive of their abilities, strengths and skills.

    The school have set out below how we meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks across the schools careers offer in order for us to best prepare pupils for adulthood, and to provide appropriate and meaningful careers advice.  

    Gatsby Benchmark

    A stable careers programme (Gatsby Benchmark 1)

    Red Kite’s careers programme ethos starts from the very first day our pupils join us in the EYFS/Reception Year. Pupils in KS4/5  follow a preparation for adulthood curriculum that encompasses all of the Gatsby Benchmarks. In Key Stage 3 and 4, in the main build, pupils follow the careers and enterprise curriculum. However, we believe that for every pupil joining us on their first day we should begin to support them in meeting their education, health and care needs in order for the individual to be as successful as possible in their adult lives and therefore, below we document the aims and purpose of our career’s curriculum is to:

    • Prepare pupils for the transition to life after school
    • Support pupils in making informed decisions which are appropriate for them
    • Provide pupils with well-rounded experiences
    • Develop personal characteristics such as social skills, communication, independence and resilience
    • Inspire and motivate pupils to develop themselves as individuals and live as independently as is possible
    • To ensure continuity and progression through student time in school and its coherence with other curriculum areas
    • Involve parents where appropriate
    • To promote lifelong learning and the need to be adaptable

    Learning from career and labour market information (Gatbsy Benchmark 2) 

    • Pupils take part in Enterprise projects across the school year
    • Pupils take part in careers week, meeting individuals from different professionals exploring what their jobs involve; qualifications needed to do the job, skills/qualities, pay, how competitive the roles are and succession of the jobs in todays society.
    • Up-to-date careers information and LMI, access to information at parent events, presentations and group sessions, newsletter inputs

    Addressing the needs of each student (Gatsby Benchmark 3)

    • Yearly Annual Review meetings that are delivered using a person centred approach
    • Year 9 Transition annual review that heavily focuses on the ‘Best Hopes’ which are guided by the 4 preparation for adulthood outcomes
    • Tracking of destination data
    • Pupils are given the opportunity to engage with class roles and responsibilities
    • Pupils are taught about resilience and independence and are encouraged to use these in all aspects of school life
    • Pupils are encouraged to identify personal traits, strengths and skills to develop confidence and have high expectations of themselves

    Linking Curriculum Learning to careers (Gatbsy Benchmark 4)

    • English – applications, CV’s letter writing, reading adverts, speaking and listening. Maths – financial capability, enterprise.
    • PSHE/Citizenship – identity, roles and responsibilities, making a positive contribution, equal opportunities
    • Pupil are set against pathways in KS4/5 that enable them to engage in an appropriate suite of accredited and vocational courses
    • Staff are encouraged to access and use the CDI national framework, Careers and Enterprise Company resources and networking events for ideas, NCS website etc.
    • Red Kite are a registered member of South Midlands Careers Hub.
    • PFA -KS4/5 scheduled sessions
    • Independence sessions are scheduled for some KS3 classes, where this is appropriate

    Encounters with employers and employees (Gatsby Benchmark 5)

    • Throughout the year Red Kite will run 3 options weeks that will enable Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils to explore a new industry and roles/jobs that might make up that area of work. The options weeks will run on a 2-year rolling curriculum.
    • Pupils will be able to participate in careers week 3 times a year. 
    • All pupils from Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 5 will have encounters with employers and employees during the 3 careers weeks.

    Experience of Workplaces (Gatsby Benchmark 6)

    We aim to give all pupils aged 14-19 the opportunity to complete work experience within the internal school community and externally, where this is appropriate. The placement is organised in partnership with the student. The Work Experience sessions teach the students communication, respect, confidence and responsibility.  Students are accompanied by staff if needed, but also encouraged to attend independently once their confidence has grown.

    Encounters with further and higher education (Gatsby Benchmark 7)

    • Open day events where students and parent / carers can meet external providers
    • Visits to local industries and employers through cross curricula teaching
    • Students explore post 16 pathways
    • Visits to post 16 providers
    • Transition event (January) whereby all surrounding education providers are invited to tell our pupils about their courses and what industries they support
    • Sharing of information for open evenings
    • Post 16 reviews to include invitation to post-16 providers and adult social care support staff
    • Prospectuses are available from the surrounding local offer in school

    Personal Guidance – (Gatsby Benchmark 8)

    • Options Evening
    • Careers Advisor sessions- Prospects  Y10-13
    • Careers board
    • PSA Team
    • 1:1 teacher meetings
    • Parents meetings
    • Annual review process
    • Members from the North Northamptonshire Transitions team will deliver a parent/pupil workshop to provide information about the Care Act and support some individuals who would be entitled to post 16/within adult services.
    • DWP delivers CV writing workshops and Preparation for interviews skills workshops.

    If you would like any further information or guidance on careers, please contact the careers leader Anna Kociemba and she will be able to offer further support. can be contacted on either the schools main number: 01536 216489 or via email 

    Next review date: September 2025