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'The Lookout' Our Sixth Form Provision

Placements for Key Stages 4 and 5 Pupils

At Red Kite we believe that education should make a positive difference to the lives of each of our learners now and in the future, and that is why we acknowledge that in order to support this, we must provide different pathways to adulthood, from day 1 of a pupil’s educational experience at Red Kite through to adult life.

The Red Kite Lookout was built to meet the needs of our most profoundly disabled individuals who would otherwise struggle to obtain external Key Stage 5 post 16 education prior to moving on to an adult social care package.

The Red Kite Lookout is set on the same grounds as the Red Kite’s primary (R, Key Stage 1 - 2) and secondary (Key Stage 3/4) classes however, The Lookout is in a new bespoke building parallel to the car park. The new building is adjacent to the main building in order to offer transitions to adulthood, in every sense of the term, including physicality.  

In any given academic year the Lookout will consider 15 – 20 pupils for the Lookout build. Depending on the needs of the agreed cohort this number may vary.

Please note that due to being over pupil numbers in the original build, the Lookout may find from year to year we may have many year 11 pupils in the department mixed with year 12/13 classes. Pupils in year 11 placed in The Lookout will only be offered this provision if we feel we are able to better meet their educational needs in a mixed Key Stage4/5 as opposed to a Key Stage 3/4 class in the main build.  

Over the next two academic years the Lookout Key Stage 5 cohort will change significantly as we still have pupils within the department with pre-agreed provision. By September 2023 the Lookout will only cater for the designated Pathways as explained below.
In order for our families to begin planning their young person’s transition early we will be introducing a better concept of preparation for adulthood in our Year 9 annual reviews however, we will not be able to inform families during this review if a place will be offered in the Lookout Key stage 5 provision at this stage. For some individuals, dependent on their lifelong learning outcomes, and therefore expected Key Stage 4 pathway and accreditation, we may be able to inform families a place will not be offered as it will be clear we would not be able to meet their needs in Key Stage 5. 

As standard we will now be offering all of our year 10 pupils their Key Stage 4 review in the autumn term, much like the year 5/secondary transition. In this review we will be able to inform families if their young person is offered a place 

To support families in exploring options post 16 transition events will be put on once a year, in January. 

Pathways now and in the future!

Key Stage 4 (2022)
  • Pathway 1 is suitable for pupils who are working in our informal curriculum. This is usually individuals with profound and complex needs relating to their diagnosis/disabilities. Individuals on pathway 1 may be non-verbal and may benefit from a sensory based multi-directional curriculum. Individuals on this pathway may require a high level of support with their engagement, in meeting their care and medical needs.
  • Pathway 2 is suitable for pupils who are working at very early stages of semi-formal curriculum, pre-entry. Individuals may have complex needs that are supported by systems, strategies and interventions. Pupils on this pathway may require a high level of direction and support, although will be working towards individualised independence.
  • Pathway 3 is suitable for pupils who are working at a more formal level, typically at entry level 1 - 3. Pupils on this pathway will be working towards independence although will still require some level of support.
  • Pathway 4 is suitable for pupils who are expected to be working at Level 1 - 2 ability, this is typically in line with chronological age abilities. This pathway would cater for pupils working towards achieving accreditation in GCSE or equivalent.

It is worth noting, the Key stage 4 pathways will not change in 2023 like Key Stage 5 pathways. They will remain the same. It is from this information/pathway of pupils we will be able to as a school determine which pupils, we may be able to offer a place in the Key Stage provision.

Key Stage 5
Now, September 2022
  • Pathway 1 is suitable for pupils who are working in our informal curriculum. This is usually individuals with profound and complex needs relating to their diagnosis/disabilities. Individuals on pathway 1 may be non-verbal and may benefit from a sensory based multi-directional curriculum. Individuals on this pathway may require a high level of support with their engagement, in meeting their care and medical needs.
  • Pathway 2 is suitable for pupils who are working at very early stages of semi-formal curriculum, pre-entry. Individuals may have complex needs that are supported by systems, strategies and interventions. Pupils on this pathway may require a high level of direction and support, although will be working towards individualised independence.
  • Pathway 3 is suitable for pupils who are working at a more formal level, typically at entry level 1 - 3. Pupils on this pathway will be working towards independence although will still require some level of support.
September 2023

The Key Stage 5 provision within the Red Kite Lookout will change as part of Red Kite’s Lookout transition phase. The department will no longer accept pupil into the Key Stage 5 provision from KS4 from Pathways 3 and 4. As of September 2023, the Lookout will no longer offer a pathway for pupils working beyond semi-formal curriculum. The Lookout will only cater for learners with primary diagnosis of profound and multiple learning difficulties or severe learning disabilities (SLD / PMLD) and individuals with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) presenting with complex needs. The school will consider pupils transitioning out of KS4 with these profiles into the Lookout provision only for September 2023. 

  • Pathway 1 is suitable for pupils who are working in our informal curriculum. This is usually individuals with profound and complex needs relating to their diagnosis/disabilities. Individuals on pathway 1 may be non-verbal and may benefit from a sensory based multi-directional curriculum. Individuals on this pathway may require a high level of support with their engagement, in meeting their care and medical needs.
  • Pathway 2A is suitable for pupils who have a diagnosis of autism. These individuals will present with a presentation of more than one diagnosis and communication difficulties. Pupils on this pathway will be working within autism teaching strategies underpinned by the core teachings of preparation for adulthood.
  • Pathway 2B  is suitable for pupils who are working at very early stages of formal curriculum, pre-entry. Individuals may have complex needs that are supported by systems, strategies and interventions. Pupils on this pathway may require a high level of direction and support, although will be working towards individualised independence.

N.B: At present Red Kite does not consider applications for Post 16 spaces external to the school.

Our Key Stage 4 and 5 curriculum ensures that all young adults receive a multi-directional curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all young adults experience success and reach their full potential in their adult lives. We do this by providing a clearly structured curriculum within which independence is encouraged and individual education plans are adopted to meet all learners' needs. The Red Kite Key Stage 4 and 5 curriculum is skill and context based and designed to engage all learners, whilst focusing on developing communication and interaction, cognition and learning, independence and self-help, social, emotional and mental health, and physical development and skills.

Our Key Stage 4 and 5 curriculums are underpinned by the Preparing for Adulthood curriculum and Gatsby Bench Marks. The preparation for adulthood curriculum encompasses the 4 following areas of adulthood:

The curriculum for Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils will heavily focus on pupils final destinations whether that is further education or adult social care. To ensure our pupils are equipped to go into the adult lives and are supported in doing this the following subjects make up our curriculum timetable:

Option sessions will further underpin individuals’ experiences and curriculum opportunities. This will enable pupils to explore different industries of work and introductions to new/old hobbies and interests extending opportunities for cultural capital. Pupils get to choose from 6 options: Community Gardening, Photography/IT/Media, Swimming, Cookery, Sport, and Music.