Sleep Right (by Scope) supports families of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 2-19 years, who have severe sleep problems and live in Northamptonshire.
Sleep Right understand that every family is different, and will support you in the most appropriate way through an individual sleep programme. Their tailored service includes sleep training workshops, clinic appointments, home visits (where appropriate), and telephone / email support for referred families.
It is estimated that 85% of children and young people with additional needs also have sleep difficulties. This can present in a number of different ways from night waking to issues with settling. Sleep deprivation can have a huge impact on the child’s level of functioning making it difficult to concentrate in school and often leading to behavioural problems. Lack of sleep can lead many parents into crisis resulting in them feeling exhausted.
Scope’s Sleep Right workshop provides innovative training, written by Scope’s highly experienced trained Sleep Practitioners. The aim is early intervention and prevention through raising awareness of good sleep practice and basic strategies for parents during discussions with time to share ideas and resources. This workshop is also very popular with practitioners who want further knowledge around the application of already sound sleep hygiene training to the difficulties that arise with additional needs and disabilities.
This sleep workshop includes:
* Effects on the Whole Family * Why is Your Child not Sleeping?
* Keeping a Sleep Diary * The Bedroom Environment
* A Good Bedtime Routine * Night Awakenings
* Approaches to addressing sleep * Useful Resources
Monday 15th March 2021 at 6 pm
New podcast available to listen to at:
For more information visit their website at:
Please find some useful information below.