This policy statement sets out Red Kite Special Academy’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the schools legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997 (Baker Clause) and that of the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022.
All our students are entitled:
If a provider wishing to request access to pupils/the school, they should contact , Bonnita Pawlusek, The Deputy Head Teacher or Anna Kociemba Careers Lead on the following contact details:
Telephone: 01536 216489
Email: ; Bonnita.Pawlusek@Redkite.School;
Varied events, integrated into the schools careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into Red Kite to speak to students and/or their parents. These may include:
Examples of opportunities available for employers/providers to attend |
All year |
Attendance at annual reviews where identified by family/school staff Attendance during WOW/Careers weeks Attendance at the school’s annual transition event Attendance at the annual careers fair (new 2024/25) Attendance at the parent forums College provider assemblies/sessions Attendance extended to small local companies during enterprise events – e.g Christmas fair Providers are invited in to Red Kite to support pupil’s transitions into further education, higher education and/or even adult social care provisions/day provision. |
Other Considerations |
External open event information is shared with relevant families Exam results days: Prospectuses will be made available to all pupils. Both the careers leader and the deputy head teacher are available during the exams results day to be able to advise pupils according to the grades obtained on suitable pathways. Careers board offers information on the Local Offer College/further education prospectuses are available on site, as are links to the Local offer on Red Kite’s school website. Where the local authority have shared the local offer with families, Red Kite will support in any queries regarding course suitability, should the parents request this. Red Kite will also recommend IASS should they feel they would prefer external support. |
Should you wish to join any of the events Red Kite offers please speak to our named Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
The school will make our premises available to allow fair access between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at our reception. These will be made available to students either by being displayed at our careers board, within The Lookout.
The schools policies on safeguarding found at will be followed by any providers accessing our premises as visitors to talk to our students.
Approval and review
Approved September 2024
Next review: September 2025
Signed: Sarah-Jane Astbury